Thank you for your interest in my portfolio, and for taking my application into consideration.
On this hidden page of my website, you can find a selection of past projects that highlight my skills as a graphic designer (mainly created during my education as a graphic designer and desktop publisher between 2006 and 2010). Tools I used include: Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign. As I mentioned in my application, I have been working as a front end web developer from 2010 onwards. For logo’s that I produced, please visit my logo design section: Logo design
Examples of school projects (2006-2010)
Glass and bottle created in Illustrator, advertisement concept in Photoshop.
Koi creation with Illustrator.
Robot fully drawn in Illustrator, magazine concept with Photoshop and Indesign.
Driving school magazine advertisement created with Indesign.
Youth NGO brochure in collaboration with Syntra and Fedasil. Full brochure created in Indesign can be viewed as a pdf on the following link.
Flyers and posters (2006-2010)
Book cover (2017)
Business cards (2010 – 2018)
Happy holidays (2016)
Drawn by hand and coloured in Photoshop.